info@saintpatricks.nsw.edu.au (02) 4629 2999


Home Page > News & Events > Term Dates


 Date Event
 Tuesday 30 January 2024 Years 7, 11 and 12 students begin College school year
 Wednesday 31 January 2024 Years 8, 9 and 10 students begin College school year
 Friday 23 February 2024 Pupil free day - Students work from home
 Thursday 28 March 2024 College closed - Holy Thursday
 Friday 29 March 2024 College closed - Good Friday
 Monday 1 April 2024 College closed - Easter Monday
 Tuesday 2 April 2024 Pupil free day
 Friday 12 April 2024 Term 1 concludes for staff and students
 Monday 29 April 2024 Staff and students return for Term 2
 Friday 7 June 2024 Pupil free day
 Monday 10 June 2024 College closed - Public Holiday
 Friday 28 June 2024 Term 2 concludes for staff and students
 Monday 22 July 2024 Staff and students return for Term 3
 Thursday 26 September 2024 Term 3 concludes for students
 Friday 27 September 2024 Pupil free day - Term 3 concludes for staff
 Monday 14 October 2024 Staff and students return for Term 4
 Friday 6 December 2024 Term 4 concludes for students