info@saintpatricks.nsw.edu.au (02) 4629 2999


Home Page > Enrolments > Scholarships

°ÄÃÅ²Ê for Girls is committed to the education of girls in the Macarthur region.

As a non-selective educational facility St Patrick's offers a diverse curriculum, which encourages excellence and achievement at the highest levels. To that end the College offers a number of scholarships, which recognise excellence in achievement and/or application in a variety of fields. It invites families to make application during the enrolment period for girls entering Year 7 and for Senior School.


°ÄÃÅ²Ê will offer a number of scholarships to the incoming Year 7 students for each year and for Senior School. Scholarships are offered to girls who have achieved excellence in the academic, performing/creative arts and/or sporting fields. In addition to this St Patrick’s may offer an Indigenous scholarship and a scholarship to a student whose family may not be able to support her desire to access the educational opportunities the College has to offer.

°ÄÃÅ²Ê values and affirms a community, which is diverse in skills, abilities, talents as well as culture and ethnicity.

Current Scholarship Applications Forms

Junior School Scholarships

If your daughter is in Year 5 (2024) you can apply for the following 2026 scholarships by 5 April 2024

Year 7 Academic Scholarship, Sport Scholarship, Creative and Performing Arts Scholarship Applications

Year 7 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Scholarship Application Form.pdf

Year 7 Fee Concession Scholarship Application Form

If your daughter is in Year 6 (2024) you can apply for the following 2025 scholarships by 5 April 2024

Year 7 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Scholarship Application Form.pdf

Year 7 Fee Concession Scholarship Application Form

Senior School Scholarships

Applications for Senior School Scholarships are open until August 2024.


If you are currently in Year 10 and studying at °ÄÃŲÊ, the following scholarships are available to assist you to continue your studies at °ÄÃŲÊ. Discuss the scholarship application with the College Registrar on 4629 2999 or email enrolments@saintpatricks.nsw.edu.au




If you are studying in Year 9 at another school, you have the opportunity to study the next three years in an all-girls environment dedicated to your learning. Discuss the scholarship application with the College Registrar on 4629 2999 or email enrolments@saintpatricks.nsw.edu.au



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