info@saintpatricks.nsw.edu.au (02) 4629 2999


Home Page > Enrolments > Transport

Did you know we have a private and convenient College bus service available to transport students to and from school with FOUR routes available?

Latest Private College Bus Route Timetables for 2023

Please note - this may be subject to change.

  • Bus 1 Timetable (Cobbitty/Oran Park/Harrington Grove/Gledswood Hills/Gregory Hills/Claymore)
  • Bus 2 Timetable (Willowdale/Emerald Hills/RabyKearns/Eschol Park/Eagle Vale/St Andrews)
  • Bus 3 Timetable (Wattle Grove/Glenfield/Macquarie Fields/Macquarie Links/Ingleburn)
  • Bus 4 Timetable (Appin/Rosemeadow/Glen Alpine/Menangle/Campbelltown)
  • Bus 5 Timetable (Mt Annan/Spring Farm/Bridgewater/Elderslie/Bradbury)
  • Bus 6 Timetable (Harrington Grove/Harrington Park/Currans Hill/Macarthur Heights)

Apply now:

(for any further information, please email fees@saintpatricks.nsw.edu.au)

Transport used by the St Patrick's College Community

Additional transport options are available

You can plan your travel route via

    Opal Card Applications


    The School Opal Card is now in operation. The School Opal card gives eligible school students free or subsidised travel on public transport between home and school on trains, buses, ferries and light rail in the Opal network. To apply, visit

    Once your daughter receives her pass they can only be used for travel between home and school, and for approved travel commencing between the hours of 6.30 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Monday to Friday on school days. It does not extend to activities such as school excursions, sports and work experience or attendance at joint secondary/TAFE programs, before and after school care or child minding premises.


    Under the conditions of the School Student Transport Scheme students must reside more than 2.0 kilometres measured in a straight line from the centre of the College property to receive free travel.

    Change of Address

    When a student moves address and is still eligible for free transport then a new application form must be completed (see College Enrolments Coordinator). The student is advised when the new pass is available and can be collected from the office. When collecting the new pass all “old” passes must be handed in.

    Student Responsibilities

    When completing an application for subsidised travel under the Scheme, parents and guardians acknowledge that students have been made aware of the Codes of Conduct. The Codes of Conduct were developed in conjunction with the bus industry, CityRail, representatives of parent groups and education authorities. They aim to ensure both the safety of students and the comfort of other passengers by outlining the behaviour required of students when travelling to and from school.

    The Codes of Conduct are printed on the School Student Transport Scheme application forms. Parents/guardians are asked to discuss these simple rules with their children so that they understand the standards of behaviour required of students.

    Depending on the seriousness of the misbehaviour, students may be penalised if they breach the Codes of Conduct. Students may have their travel pass temporarily or permanently suspended and may be required to make alternative travel arrangements. Students misbehaving on trains and railway stations may have their travel pass confiscated for up to one year and be required to buy normal tickets for travel to and from school.

    Lost, Stolen or Damaged Passes

    Passes that have been lost, stolen or damaged must be replaced as soon as possible. In the case of Sydney Trains, the College will issue a verification form, which is then taken by the parent directly to the relevant transport operator who will issue a replacement at a cost to the parent (see Enrolments Coordinator). For all other replacement bus company passes you should approach the company directly for a replacement.

    Private Vehicle Conveyance

    Where there is no public transport available (mainly in rural areas), parents can apply for a NSW Government subsidy towards transporting students to school by private vehicle.

    Eligibility criteria apply.

    For full details and to apply: https://transportnsw.info/tickets-opal/ticket-eligibility-concessions/school-student-travel/apply-for-school-drive-subsidy

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